How to setup MPF rates


This guide will go over the steps needed to take in order to find where to change the MPF rates:

  1. Press the settings button located at the top right corner of the screen, this icon is a window with a red toolbox in front of it.

  2. The company Settings screen will open up after a brief period, select the Customs Clearance tab and from there select the Settings tab in order to get the desired window. You will find the MPF section on the bottom portion of the window and it is here where you'll make all the required changes to the MPF.

  3. You will need to change the following fields: MPF Begin, MPF, Minimum MPF, Maximum MPF, HMF, Prior MPF, Prior Minimum MPF, and Prior Max MPF.
  4. After making all your desired changes press the Save and Close button in order to save the information.