How To: Use Entry Settings

Sometimes we have to create Entries with the same information multiple times for the same customer, or maybe a customer requests different entries but some of the information is always the same. An Entry Setting is a set of information related to the Entry’s fields, so that you can use it as a template when creating a new one.

 How to Create an Entry Setting

  1. Navigate to Core > Customers

  2. Select the Customer you are creating a setting for and open the Entry Setting menu


  1. Fill in all of the fields that you wish to replicate on future entries


  1. When saving you’ll see the setting’s name to the left

 How to Create an Entry from a Setting

  1. Navigate to US Customs Clearance > Entries

  2. Click the Add button to open de menu

  3. Select a Customer

  4. Select the Importer Setting you previously created

  1. Fill the rest of the entry as you normally would.