On January 1, 2023, the administration of CBMA claims will transition from CBP to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). For entries made on or after that date, the full IRT rate will be assessed for applicable articles of alcohol on which a CBMA refund claim will be made. Importers are instructed to contact TTB to file a refund claim with TTB in accordance with TTB regulations and requirements. Importers must file electronically the TTB Message Set as well as CBMA-specific data elements in ACE before filing an electronic refund claim with TTB.
The definitions of the CBMA data elements have been revised to reflect TTB’s administration of CBMA importer refund claims.
The Controlled Group Name, Flavor Content Credit Indicator, CBMA Rate Designation Code, and the TTB Tax Rate (Confirmation) have the same (or essentially the same) definition and usage as before the transition.

Informacion de referencia:

La información para CBMA se llena a nivel de línea de mercancía dentro de la pantalla de Entry Summary.

  • Para acceder al Entry Summary, por favor referirse a la imagen 1.0



  • Dentro de la pantalla hay que entrar al nivel de facturas (Invoices), y dentro acceder a la primera línea de mercancía.

  • Después de entrar a la factura, hay que acceder a la línea de la factura dando doble click sobre la primer línea.

  • Referencia Imagen 1.1




  • En la sección de “Additional Information” está la opción para registrar la información de CBMA.

  • IOR Additional Declaration = 05

  • Dar click en los tres puntos para abrir la ventana de CBMA Information

  • Los campos que se deben llenar son los que se muestran en la imagen 1.2

    • Controlled Group: type IOR name without abbreviations.

    • Foreign Producer ID: type in format TTB-FP-XXXXXXX

    • Foreign Producer Name: type the name of the foreign producer registered with TTB.

    • Flavor Content Credit Indicator: indicates if the importer is or is not claiming a credit for the flavor content of a distilled spirit

    • Rate Code and TTB Tax Rate can be found at ACE CBMA Rate Table 2023
