Update Shipment Commodity information
This how-to explains step by step instructions to update Shipment commodity information when the manifest has already been transmitted.
It is important to mention that if the trip has already arrived at the border, you should NOT click on the "Cancel Trip" button. The steps below must be followed to make a change.
There are two procedures to update the information. You must follow the Procedure to update, if you want to update basic information:
Manifest Qty.
Manifest UOM (unit of measure).
Weight in Kilos.
Merchandise Description
The Procedure for Retransmitting a Shipment must be followed if you wish to update the
or any other shipment data (Qty, UOM, Kg, Description)
Procedure to update
On "Trips Dashboard" filter trips by any criteria and click the trip number to edit its information.
Go to the Shipment information and update your shipment commodity information, click "Save" button to save trip changes.
Click "ACE Update Shipment" button to send changes to ACE system.
Wait for a message "SHIPMENT CHANGE ACCEPTED", to review messages on shipment click "Shipment Log" button.
Procedure for Retransmitting
1- Locate the manifest (trip).
2- Locate the “Shipment” that you want to modify.
3- Click the “ACE Remove Shipment form Trip” button.
4- Confirm to remove the “Shipment”.
5- Validate that the message “ACE DELETED” appears in the “Trip Log”.
6- Refresh the entire page or click the Refresh button
7- Make the necessary change in the “Shipment”.
8- Save the manifest (trip)
9- Validate that the message “USER SAVED CHANGES TO TRIP” appears in the “Trip Log”.
10- Transmit the “Shipment” again, in the “ACE ADD Shipmet” option
11- Wait for the messages “SHIPMENT ADDED TO TRIP” and “ENTRY ON FILE” to appear in the “Trip log”