UPDATED 01/10/2007
003 No B01/M11 Record Found
Record Identifier B01/Segment M11 data was not transmitted
No shipment control record found In ANSI X12: 309 set; M11
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR RFF0380 C506 1153/DOC0365 C002 1001
005 Invalid U01/N1 or N01/N1
Record Identifier U01/Segment N1 Consignee
Name/address record or Record identifier N01/Segment
N1 Notify Party Name/Address Record was not transmitted
Invalid party identification
In ANSI X12: 309 set; N1
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR NAD0540 C082 3035/3039
009 Invalid Carrier Code
Record identifier M01/Segment M10 – Carrier Code data Element contains code not in carrier record file.
In ANSI X12: 309, 353, 358 sets M1001: code missing or Invalid.
NAD0290 C082 3039
017 Missing or Invalid Bill
Record identifiers A01/K01 Segment M13, Record identifier G01/Segment M14 – Bill of Lading sequence number is missing or contains blanks.
In ANSI X12: 309 set M1101: a shipment control number has more than 12 characters.
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR: MEA0680 C174 6314
021 Invalid Weight Unit
Record Identifier B01/Segment M11 Weight Unit data element contains anything other than LB,KG, L or K
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N1007: UOM is code not on list;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR MEA0680 C174 6411
032 Invalid Inbond Number
Record Identifier I01/Segment M12 is for type 3 MIB, but paperless In-bond Number data element contains data that is not numeric, spaces, or O
In ANSI X12: 353 Set M1501/M1502: the inbond number specified does not exist or is invalid; in EDIFACT: CUSCAR DOC0365 C503 1004
033 Invalid DDPP
Record Identifier P01/Segment P4 – District/Port of
Unlading Code data element contains a code that does not appear in the Census Schedule D District/Port code list or contains 0 In EDIFACT: CUSCAR LOC0040 C517 3225 Or
Record Identifier B01/M11 is for type 04 MIB, but the In-Bond Port of Destination element contains a code that does not appear in the Census Schedule D district/port file, or contains 0 Or
Record Identifier I01/M12 is for type 03/04 MIB, but the U.S Port of Destination/Intermediate Destination data element contains a code that does not appear in the Census Schedule D district/port file, or contains 0.
In ANSI X12: 309/359 Set.P401: port of arrival specified does not exist or is invalid; in EDIFACT: CUSCAR LOC0410 C517 3225
034 Invalid Foreign Port
Record Identifier B01/Segment M11 and Record identifier I01/Segment M12 are for type 03/04 MIB, but In-Bond Entry Type data element contains anything other than 62 or 63 when the Foreign Destination data element is transmitted In ANSI X12: 309 Set M1102: port of loading code doesn’t exist; in EDIFACT: CUSCAR LOC0410 C517 3225
038 B/L Already on File
Record Identifier B01/M11 – The Bill of Lading sequence Number shows a number that has already been transmitted within the past 3 years
In ANSI X12: 309 Set M1101/M1112: shipment control number reused within specified period when an active bill exists; in EDIFACT: CUSCAR RFF0380 C506 1153.
042 Invalid Quantity
Record Identifier A01/Segment M13 – Quantity data element contains code R but the quantity transmitted is not numeric or 0.
Record identifier D01/Segment N10 – Piece Count data Element contains a quantity that is not numeric or contains spaces.
Record identifier B01/Segment M11 – Manifest Quantity data element contains data that is not numeric or contains spaces.
In ANSI X12 309 Set M1306: Amendment code does not exist for shipment use;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR FTX0670 C108 4440
046 Invalid Amendment Code
Record Identifier A01/Segment M13 – Amendment Code data element contains anything other than numbers 1 through 17
In ANSI X12 309 Set M1306: Amendment code does not exist for shipment use;
in EDIFACT: CUSCAR RFF0070 C506 1154
047 Missing Description
Record Identifier D01/N10 – Description data element was not transmitted
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N1002: shipment commodity missing;
in EDIFACT: CUSCAR FTX0670 C108 4440
050 Invalid Estimated Arrival Date
Record identifier P01/Segment P4 – original scheduled date of arrival data element contains an arrival date in format other than CCYYMMDD.
In ANSI X12: 309, 353, 358 sets P402: date is missing or invalid
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR DTM0030 C507 2380/2379
CUSREP: DTM0030 C507 2380/2379
060 XXXX Bill Rejected XXXX
Record Identifier B01/Segment M11 was not processed because of an error previously transmitted; In EDIFACT:CUSCAR RFF0380C506 1154
Record Identifier A01/Segment M13 has to be added as lt of any error. The error type has been previously transmitted.
Record identifier K01/Segment M13 has to be added as result of any error. The error type has been previously transmitted.
074 Incorrect Harmonized #
Record Identifier D00/Segment N10 – Harmonized
Number Data Element contains data that doesn’t appear in Harmonized Schedule File.
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N1005: TE/IE shipment and commodity code specified does not exist;
in EDIFACT: CUSCAR: CST0730 C246 7361, 1131.
081 Manifest Transmittal
The posting initiator found in the AMS transaction screen Indicates the manifest transmission was successful.
098 Not Authorized to Transmit
Record Identifier ACR/Segment BG (ISA) User Code Data Element contains data that indicates there is no user record for district/port site-carrier-port.
In ANSI X12: A district/port site record exists but the user is not authorized to transmit.
158 FIRMS Code not on File
Record identifier T01/M20 – the FIRMS Code data element contains a code not in the FIRMS FILE
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N104: FIRMS code of second notify party doesn’t exist;
198 Invalid Manifest Type Code
In ANSI X12: 309/358, 353 set Record Identifier M10 – Manifest Type Code
(M1009) is anything other than P,X,Y,T,S,3,H/ 309/358 Set.
M1017: any code other than ‘8’,’9’; In EDIFACT: CUSCAR (W)
BGM DE1001=85 and DE1225=22/ (P) BGM DE1001=87 and
DE1225=2/(Y)BGM DE1001=85 and DE1225=4/
(3)BGM1001=85 and DE1225=3/CUSREP BGM DE1001=336 and DE1225=3
204 No Man Unit Code for BL
Record Identifier D01/N10 – Manifest Unit Code is other than codes in note for this element; in EDIFACT: CUSCAR PAC0650 C202 7065
209 BL not on File or Deleted
In ANSI X12: 358 Set: Record Identifier MBL/MBL – Bill of Lading number not in database or is in deleted status 309 Set M1301/M1304: shipment control number specified doesn’t exist;
in EDIFACT: CUSREP RFF0170 C506 1154
215 Invalid Est Arr Time
Record identifier P01/P4 in 358 set (consist): the estimated arrival time is in a different format from the HHMM 24 format, or 0’s or blanks.
In ANSI X12: 309, 353, 358 sets P405: time is missing or invalid
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR: DTM0030 C507 2380/2379
CUSREP: DTM0030 C507 2380/2379
242 C4 Code not Valid
Record Identifier D01/Segment N10: The Customs bar code number (C4) is invalid by Line Release
309 Set N1009: C4 code specified for BRASS shipment does not exist or is invalid;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR CST 0730 C246 7361
401 Inv Conv ACE ID
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set VEH21/VEH22: ACE ID specified does not exist or is invalid per carrier account;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR TDT0170 C222 8212/CUSREP DT0370 C222 1131
502 Inv Lic Plate State for Trip
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set VEH10/VID14: state/province doesn’t exist; in EDIFACT: CUSCAR RFF0326 C506 1153, TDT0170 C222 8212/CUSREP LOC0516 C516 1153,TDT0370 C222 8212
403 Missing Lic Plate Country
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set VEH17/VID16: country is other than US,MX,CA and is missing;
LOC0518 C517 3225, TDT0370 C222 453
405 Inv Lic Plat Country for Trip
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set VEH17/VID16: countryspecified doesn’t exist or is invalid;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR LOC0327 C517 3225, TDT017 C222
8453/ CUSREP LOC0516 C17 3225, TDT0370 C222 8453
405 Invalid Conv Code
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set. VEH 21/VEH22: Conveyance ID specified doesn’t exist or is invalid per carrier account; in EDIFACT: CUSCAR TDT0170 C2228212/
CUSREP TDT0370 C222 8212
409 No Person in Charge
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set NM101: no crewmember is listed as ‘EJ’;
In EDIFACT: PAXLST NAD 160 3035: no crewmember is listed as ‘VW’
410 No Driver CDL/Lic for Trip
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set REF01: No crewmember is listed as having CDL or driver’s license;
In EDIFACT: PAXLST EMP0240 9003, C950 98007
411 Crew ACE ID not for Carr
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set NM108: ACE ID specified for crewmember is not pre-registered in carrier’s account;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR NAD0100 C082 3039
412 No Gender Code
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set DMG03: gender code is missing or other than ‘M’/’F’;
In EDIFACT: PAXLST ATT0170 C956 9019
413 No Hazmat Endorse for Crew
In ANSI X12: 309 Set Hazmat code, insurance information present, Hazmat endorsement missing;
In EDIFACT: PAXLST EMP0240 C950 9007
415 No Hazmat Contact
In ANSI X12: 309 Set H105. Hazmat contact missing;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR FTX0670 C108 4440, DGS0710 PAXLST EMP0240
416 Int Error – Take no Action
Various segments: an internal error has occurred in processing
417 Trip Number Required
In ANSI X12: 309, 353, 358 sets M1005 trip number missing or invalid.
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR: BGM0020 C106 1004 ; CUSREP BGM0020 C106 1004
418 Duplicate Trip Number
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set M1006:. Trip number reused within a specified time period: 1 year for preferred, 1 day for standard;
1004/CUSREP BGM0020 C106 1004
419 Invalid SCAC on Trip Number
Invalid NMFTA SCAC code
In ANSI X12: 309/358 sets M1001: SCAC not valid or doesn’t Exist;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR NAD0100 C082 3039/CUSREP NAD0290 C082 3039
420 No Transp on Conv for Trip
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set VEH24: Preferred manifest,registered conveyance no transponder in conveyance profile;
422 Inv Combination for Trip
In ANSI X12: 309 set. N3,N4: combination of state/province and country is not correct for shipment and party type.
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR NAD0540 C819 3229 3207
424 Inv SCAC on Shipment
Invalid NMFTA SCAC code
In ANSI X12: 309 Set M1301/10,M1112/13: SCAC not valid or doesn’t exist;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR DOC0365 C002 1001, RFF0380 C506 1153
425 No Shipment Rel Type Filed
In ANSI X12: 309 Set M1109: preferred manifest – release type not specified FUTURE USE
427 Inv Amend Code for Trip
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set M1016: amendment code doesn’t exist for trip use;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR RFF0070 C506 1154/ CUSREP RFF0010 C506 1154
428 Inv UN Danger Goods Code
In ANSI X12: 309 Set H101: UN code specified is incorrect or doesn’t exist;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR FTX0670 4451, C108 4440
429 Inv Shipment Party Type
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N101: party type specified not in list; in EDIFACT: CUSCAR NAD0540 3035
430 Inv Filer Code for Shipment
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N104: broker filer code specified doesn’t exist or is incorrect;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR NAD0540 C082 3039
431 Pref not allowed for Imp
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N101/N102: shipper indicated is not C-TPAT per account records;
432 Trip Number does not Exist
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set M1005: update of manifest – trip specified doesn’t exist;
in EDIFACT: CUSCAR BGM0020 C106 1004/CUSREP BGM0020 C106 1004
433 Inv Equip Identifier for Trip
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set VID02/VID03,VID14/VID15/VID16: either equipment number or license plate required for trip;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR EQD0220 8053/ CUSREP EQD0500 8053
434 Inv Party Type,ID and Comb
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N103: qualifier not specified in this element;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR NAD0540 C082 3039,1131
435 Amend Code not Filed
In ANSI X12: 309 Set M1306: amendment code missing after ‘manifest complete’ message;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR RFF0510 C506 1154
436 Inv DUNS Number
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N103/N104: Duns number specified doesn’t exist or is invalid;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR NAD0540 C082 3039, 1131
439 Inv Trip Party ACE ID
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set NM108/NM109:party specified does not exist or is invalid per carrier account records;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR NAD0100 C082 3039/CUSREP NAD0290 C082 3039
440 Inv Shipment Party ACE ID
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N103/N104: preferred shipment, ACE ID doesn’t exist or is invalid per carrier account records;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR NAD0540 C082 3039
441 Conv Lic Plate Data Missing
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set VEH09: license plate data missing;
in EDIFACT: CUSCAR TDT0170 C222 8212/
CUSREP TDT0370 C222 8212
443 Shipment not found for IB
In ANSI X12: 353 set M1501/M1502 the in-bond number specified has no associated shipments;
In EDIFACT: CUSREP DOC0365 C503 1004
446 Brd Qty Grtr than Shp Qty
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N1001,358 Set MBL06: total of boarded quantities in split shipment is greater than original manifested quantity for bill;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR CNT0390 C270 6069
447 Inv Split of Shipment
In ANSI X12: 309 Set M1109,358 Set MBL06: carrier attempts to create a split shipment but shipment release type will not allow splits;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR CNT0390 C270 6069
448 Inv Equipment Type
In ANSI X12: 309 Set VID01: type specified doesn’t exist or is invalid;
449 Inv Lic Plate Comb for Shp
In ANSI X12: 309 Set VID18/16: combination of state/province and country is not correct;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR TDT0170 C222 8453, LOC327 C517
3225, LOC0180 C517 1131, EQD0220 , RFF0326
452 Inv IIT Code for Trip
In ANSI X12: 358 Set VEH23/VID18: IIT code doesn’t exist or is invalid;
In EDIFACT: CUSREP RFF0100 C506 1154, RFF0516 C506 1154
454 Inv Party ST for Trip
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set N3,N4: address specified for crew is not US address;
In EDIFACT: PAXLST NAD0160 C819 3229
455 Inv Party ZIP for Trip
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set N403: ZIP code specified for crew is not US ZIP code; in EDIFACT PAXLST NAD0160 3251
456 Inv Travel Doc type on Trip
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set REF01: code specified for crew travel document does not exist or is invalid; in EDIFACT: PAXLST DOC0280 C002 1001
457 Inv Travl Doc St/Ctry Com
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set REF03/05: State/Province code specified does not match country code other than US, MX, CA;
458 Inv Conv Type for Trip
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set VEH20: conveyance type code specified does not exist or is invalid;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR TDT0170 8178/ CUSREP TDT0370 8178
462 Req Conveyance Info Missing
In ANSI X12: 309/358 sets VEH segment: VIN number/transponder number missing
464 EQ Lic Plate/Number Missing
In ANSI X12: 309/358 sets: VID14, VID16, VID18, VID02, VID03
In EDIFACT: RFF0516 C506 1153-1154
465 Comp Crew Info not Filed
In ANSI X12: 358 Set NM1,DMGREF,N3,N4: complete crew information missing;
466 Missing Complete Crew Info
In ANSI X12: 309/358 sets REF segment: complete crew
Information not filed for trip
467 No Travel Doc for Crew
In ANSI X12: 309/358 sets REF05: country code Specified does not exist or is invalid
468 Inv Travel Doc Ctry
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set REF05: country code specified does not exist or is invalid;
469 Equip Lic Plate Missing
In ANSI X12: 358 Set VID14: equipment license plate is missing or invalid;
In EDIFACT: CUSREP RFF0516 C506 1154
470 Inv Ctry of Orig for Shp
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N1011: Sec 321 entry, country code specified does not exist or is invalid;
472 For Port must be Sch K
In ANSI X12: 309 Set M1102: if the shipment is preferred the estimated port of departure is anything other than Schedule K code in EDIFACT: LOC410 C517 1131 FUTURE USE
473 Imp not CTPAT for Pref
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N101-02: preferred shipment and importer not CTPAT approved as per account records;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR NAD0540 C082 3039, NAD0540 3035
474 Inv Equip IIT Code for Trip
In ANSI X12: 358 Set VID18: IIT code is anything other than C,I, A, B;
475 Man Com Dt not Allowed
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set P402: create date is more than 90 days in advance of estimated arrival date;
in EDIFACT CUSCAR DTM0030 C507 2380/CUSREP DTM0030 C507 2005
477 Brd Qty Sum Grtr Shp Qty
In ANSI X12: 358 Set MBL06/309 Set N1001: Sum of all boarded quantities from all trips is greater than total shipment quantity;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR PAC0650 C202 7065/ CUSREP CNT0390 C270 6069
478 Inv Seal # Duplicate for Trip
In ANSI X12: 358 Set M7:same seal numbers specified for multiple equipment; in EDIFACT: CUSREP SEL0513 9308
480 No FDA Conf in TE
In ANSI X12: 309 Set M1212: FDA confirmation code is missing or is invalid;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR GEI0420 C012 7365
481 Inv IIT Code for Ship
In ANSI X12: 309 Set VID18: IIT code is anything other than C,I, A, B;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR: RFF0326 C506 1154
482 Mismatch of Equip Data
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set VID02,0314,15,16: preliminary 309 bills translated with an equipment number that is not duplicated in the 358 consist;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR EQD0220 C237 8260, RFF0326
C506 1154, LOC0327 C517 3225/ CUSREP EQD0500
C237 8260, RFF0516 C506 1144, LOC0327 C517 3225
483 Conv/Equip ACE ID not for Carr
In ANSI X12: 309/358 Set VEH21, VID17:
the conveyance/equipment ACE ID specified is not registered to the carrier;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR TDT0170 C222 8212, EQD0220 C237 8260/ CUSREP TDT0370 C222 8212, EQD0500 C237 8260
485 Inv Amount for Sec 321
In ANSI X12: 309 Set M1109/N1006: value of commodity is greater than $200;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR MOA0690 C516 5004
486 Inv FAST Number
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N103/04: FAST number specified is registered in FAST system to different carrier; in
487 Missing Req Ship Party Data
In ANSI X12: 309 Set N101/N102: missing entity identifier code and/or name;
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR NAD0540 3035, NAD0540 C080 3036
488 No empty Shipments in Pref
In ANSI X12309 Set: M1009/M11: a shipment designated as ‘preferred’ missing shipment records, cannot be empty FUTURE USE
489 Inv Link of Man Type for Trip
In ANSI X12: 358 Set M1009: carrier attached a preferred bill to a standard manifest FUTURE USE
490 Inv Travel Doc Number
In ANSI X12: 309/358 sets REF02
Proximity card, travel document number, FAST ID not in account or duplicate.
In EDIFACT: PAXLST DOC0280 C002 1001
491 Ship Data Mixed with Rel Types
In ANSI X12: 309 set M1109, M1201 2 different types of releases in same shipment: BRASS, inbond
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR CST0730 C246 7361
492 Shipment on Another Manifest
In ANSI X12: 358 set MBL01, MBL02 Shipment data is part of another manifest and linking is not allowed
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR RFF0380 C506 1153, CNT0390 C270 6069
494 Inv Format for Shipment
In ANSI X12: 309 set M11, M13
Format isn’t alphanumeric without spaces for shipment In EDIFACT: CUSCAR RFF0380 C506 1153
495 INV Format for Manifest
In ANSI X12: 309/358/353 sets M10, VEH, NM1, DMG, REF
Format isn’t alphanumeric without spaces in between In EDIFACT: BGM TDT
496 Duplicate License Plate
In ANSI X12: 309/358 sets VEH09,VID14
Duplicate license plate for trip or shipment
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR TDT 0170 C222 8453, LOC327 C517
3225, LOC0180 C517 1131, EQD0220, RFF0326, LOC0327
497 Duplicate Equipment
In ANSI X12: 398,358 sets VID02,03
Duplicate equipment for trip or shipment: equipment number is repeated on same shipment or trip
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR TDT 0170 C222 8453, LOC327 C517 3225, LOC0180 c517 1131
498 Duplicate Trip Party
In ANSI X12: 309 set N101
Duplicate trip party for trip: 2 parties with the same details.
499 Missing Mand Crew Info
In ANSI X12: 309/358 NM1, DMG, N3, REF
Mandatory crew information is not filed for crew: last name,
first name, DOB.
500 Invalid Filing Status
In ANSI X12: 309/358 sets M1306
Invalid filing status to update the trip: attempting to file
amendment codes on preliminary bills.
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR RFF0510 C506 1154,CUSREP RFF0100 C506 1154
501 Inv License Plate Number
In ANSI X12: 309/358 sets VEH09,VID14
Number exceeds 10 positions.
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR TDT0170 C222 8453, LOC327 C517 3225, LOC0180 C517 1131
502 Inv DOT Number
In ANSI X12: 309/358 sets VEH25
Number exceeds 8 positions
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR TDT0170 C222 1131, CUSREP TDT0370 C222 8212
503 Expected Port cant be Changed
In ANSI X12: 309/358/353 sets P401
Expected port of arrival changed to anything other than actual
port of arrival after arrival of conveyance
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR LOC0040 C517 3225, CUSREP LOC0130 C517 3225
504 Pref Manifest not Allowed
In ANSI X12: 309,358 sets M1009/M1017
Preferred manifest not allowed for carrier
Carrier not permitted for FAST
505 No ACE ID or CDL Provided
In ANSI X12: 309/358 NM108-09/REF01-02
No ACE ID or CDL provided for at least 1 crewmember
In EDIFACT: PAXLST DOC0280 C002 1001, DOC0280 C503 1004
507 Carrier not C-TPAT
In ANSI X12: Carrier registered for trip not C-TPAT in account
508 Required Trip Info Missing
In ANSI X12: 309/358 sets M10,P4
Required trip information missing for trip: date,time
509 Manifest Rejected
In ANSI X12: 309/358 sets M10, P4, VEH, NM1, DMG, REF, N3,N4, M11, N1, N3, N4, VID, N10
Required information for complete manifest missing: trip, crew, conveyance, equipment, shipments.
510 Req Ship Party not Given
In ANSI X12: 309 set N101, N102: required shipment
Party data not provided for the shipment
511 Man Returned to Preliminary
In ANSI X12: 309 set M1009: complete manifest code ‘W’ In M1009 has shipments rejected: need bill corrected, retransmitted, and 353 set to confirm manifest is complete
512 Inv Est Date of US Exit
In ANSI X12: 309 set M1213: estimated date of
Departure for in-bond shipment where M1201 is 62 or 63 is invalid or blank
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR: DTM0480 C507 2380
513 Mismatch of Codes at Trip
In ANSI X12: 309 M1009, M1005: M1009 code is ‘W’ for
Complete manifest, but M1005 has ‘system’ not trip Number
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR: BGM0020 C1006 1004
514 Errors on more than 100 SCN
This error message is returned after there have been errors in over 100 shipments. It is a warning message intended for the sender to check all of his shipments.
ACE stops processing errors after 100 shipments Normally this occurs when one or more errors are present in each shipment. The sender is highly encouraged to look at all shipments for similar errors.
515 Man Arrivd Cant be Cancelld
In ANSI X12: 309/358 sets M1009: sender attempts to delete a manifest after conveyance has been arrived at the first US port.
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR: BGM0020 C106 1225 CUSREP: BGM0020 C106 1225
517 Trans ID not in ACE as SCAC
Transmitter ID not found in ACE as a SCAC
In ANSI X12: Header/Trailer records: ISA segment: the transmitter ID in ISA06, either SCAC or mutually defined ID, is not configured in ACE.
In EDIFACT: UNB S002 0004,0007
518 Prep ID nor in ACE as SCAC
Preparer ID not found in ACE as SCAC or filer
In ANSI X12: Header/trailer records: GS02/GS03:preparer ID not configured in ACE
In EDIFACT: UNG S006 0040,0007/ UNG S007 0044,0007
519 Trans ID has no EDI Profile
Transmitter ID does not have an EDI profile for this message type/format
In ANSI X12: Header/trailer records: GS02/GS03: A profile has been set up in ACE for the preparer but the transmitter’s account does not reference the preparer.
In EDIFACT: UNG S006 0040, 0007/UNG S007 0044,0007
520 No Trans/Prep Relationship
Transmitter and Preparer relationship not found
In ANSI X12: Header/trailer records: GS02/GS03: even though a proper EDI profile has been set up for both transmitter andpreparer, transmitter is not authorized to send.
In EDIFACT : UNG S006 0040, 0007/ UNG S007 0044, 0007
521 Trans also Preparer
Transmitter is also indicated as the preparer on this IDOC, but transmitter EDI profile does not agree.
In ANSI X12: Header/trailer records: ISA06/ISA08 and GS02/GS03: self preparer flag not set in transmitter’s profile
In EDIFACT: UNB S002 0004,0007/ UNB S003 0010,0007;
UNG S006 0040, 0007; UNG S006 0044, 0007
522 Msg Typ not allowed for Prod
Transmitter EDI profile does not allow this message type/format to be sent in production yet
In ANSI X12: Header/trailer records: ISA06/ISA08: transmitter sends in manifest before authorized startup date in production
In EDIFACT: UNB S002 0004,007/UNB S003 0010,0007
523 US Export Date over 45 Days
Shipment claiming release as free astray or under Headnote1 of the Tariff Act has been out of the US for more than 45 days.
In ANSI X12: 309 set: M1127 date is over 45 days from date of expected reimportation into US.
In EDIFACT: DTM 0480 C5007 2379
524 Carr/Customs Custody eq N
Shipment claiming release as free astray or under Headnote1 of the Tariff Act has been out of foreign Customs or carrier’s custody while out of the US.
In ANSI X12 : 309 set: M1128 code ‘N’ is supplied.
In EDIFACT: GEI 0420 C012 765 code 136 is missing.
525 Incorrect SCAC/TRIP
SCAC/trip number in M10 of 353 set, BGM of CUSCAR doesn’t match the SCAC/trip number of the original M10 of 309, BGM of CUSCAR.
In ANSI X12: 353 set M1001, M1005
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR BGM0020 C106 1004
526 Seal Numbers in Delink
Seal numbers are provided in a delink transaction in 358 set, CUSREP.
In ANSI X12: 358 set M7 segment is provided after VEH or VID segments
In EDIFACT: RFF0100 C506 1153/1154, SEL0513 9308
527 Inv Address in Profile
Carrier has an invalid address in ACE profile.
528 Invalid MOT
Carrier attempt to transmit using a Method Of Transportation .
Other than ‘J’ in the M10 segment of 309/358/353 sets or ’03’ in TDT in CUSCAR and CUSREP
In ANSI X12: 309/358/353 M1002 anything other than ‘J’
In EDIFACT: CUSCAR/CUSREP TDT0170 C220 8066/TDT0370 C220 8067 anything other than ‘03’