How to - Web Client File Upload/Download
This is a step-by-step guide on how to transfer files from your local computer to a remote session and vice versa. This method works when you access the remote session through the website and not the Remote Desktop app.
Upload - Local computer to remote session
Begin by login in to your remote session and proceed to follow these steps:
Click on file upload icon (arrow ↑).
When prompted, select the files you want to upload using the local file explorer.
To view the uploaded files in your remote session open de file explorer. Go to Remote Desktop Virtual Drive and open the folder named “Uploads”.
Download - Remote session to local computer
Begin by login in to your remote session and proceed to follow these steps:
Open the file explorer in your remote session.
Copy the files you want to transfer to your local computer to Remote Desktop Virtual Drive in folder named “Downloads”.
Files copied will be downloaded to your local computer. You can find them in your default downloads folder.