Uploading to the product profile

In order to upload information from an excel onto a product profile

Uploading to IMEXNet product profile is made simple by using one of the built in options in the system, Option Upload, this option allows the system to read an Excel file and automatically load any information onto the product profile system.


We will go step-by-step in order to simply explain how to use the Option Upload for the Product Profile.

  1. Before we start the Option Upload process, we must first review the Excel file we will be uploading. The Excel file has to be formatted in a way to allow the system to better read the information without issue.

    1. The system will only read the first sheet/page/tab in an Excel file. So it is important to make sure all the information that you want uploaded by the system to be on the first tab, deleting any additional tabs will be helpful in order to avoid getting confused.
    2. Make sure that all of the information on the Excel file is organized by columns. We will include an example below of how the information should be organized. Please note that this example could vary depending on what information you want to uploaded.
  2. Once you've prepared the Excel file, save your changes and open up IMEXNet. You will find the Option Upload button under the Core module, then under the Product Profile option, the Option Upload will be found on the menu strip at the top.

  3. After pressing the Option Upload button, this should open up the Load Product File window where you will select the customer and file that will be uploaded onto the product profile of the selected customer. Depending on the columns you have on your Excel file the rest of the information is likely to change, but using the Excel image posted above, we will create an example that is easy to follow.

  4. When filling out the Load Product File window the first thing you need to do is to Select the Customer, whose product profile you'll be adding the information too, and the Excel file under the Select File section.
    1. Select the File type, in this case it will be XLS.
    2. Since our Excel file had a Header Row, check off the Header Row checkbox.
    3. Looking at our example, our Product Number is the 1st column, Description is the 3rd column, HTS is the 4th column, and Country of Origin is the 8th column. So we will fill out the information on the window accordingly.
    4. The next thing to look at is that this file was marked as all of these products lines being part of NAFTA, so we will use a constant value on the spreadsheet in order to identify that they are all part of NAFTA, in this case we will use the Country of Origin which is the same for all lines, MX.
    5. Under the NAFTA Value, we will add MX, and then under NAFTA we will include that the value be pulled from the 8th column, this means that as long as MX is present on the 8th column that it will be marked as NAFTA. The last box we will want to fill out is the SPI To Date, which is the SPI expiration date, this information will be pulled from the 9th column.
  5. From the example, we've included all the information that we want included to the product profile, so once we are done and are sure about the information, press the Load File button located at the bottom right. This will cause the system to freeze up as it is loading the file and once it is finished a small window will appear informing you that the files have been loaded.

In the case that your Excel files come with a NAFTA column of their own, on NAFTA enter the column number there, and on NAFTA Value enter the identifier.