In-Bond Authorization Quick Reference Guide


Carriers can create in-bond authorized partners in their ACE Modernized Portal account. This functionality allows carriers to control who obligates their Type 2 custodial bonds.

IMPORTANT: If you do not add an authorized partner, ACE will not restrict other parties' use of your bond. Add yourself as an authorized partner to limit bond usage to only your company. This will exclude all other parties from utilizing your bond.

To add authorized partners to your in-bond authorization list, you must first remove yourself as an authorized partner. SCAC identifies authorized carriers, and organizational brokers are identified by filer code. When adding an authorized partner, entries are automatically created for all ports of origin and destination ports, starting from the date of addition with no end date. Trade Account Owners (TAOs), Proxy Trade Account Owners (PTAOs), and Trade Account Users (TAUs) with full access can add authorized partners.

NOTE: Granting access to In-Bond Authorization remains in the Legacy ACE Portal.

How to Add an Authorized Partner?

  1. Locate the carrier account to add authorized partners for the Type 2 custodial bond. NOTE: The bond status must be active to add an authorized partner.

  2. Select the In-Bond Authorization tab.


NOTE: Select the More tab and the In-Bond Authorization option in the drop-down menu if applicable.

  1. Select the Add Authorized Partner button. The Add New Partner Authorization dialog box displays.

  1. In the Add New Partner Authorization dialog box:

NOTE: Selecting the Filer Code radio button dynamically updates the SCAC field to Filer Code.

a. For *Search for Partner:

i. Select the SCAC radio button to add an authorized carrier.


ii. Select the Filer Code radio button to add an authorized broker.

b. In the *SCAC or *Filer Code field, type the SCAC or filer code of the partner to authorize.

c. Select the Search button to locate the partner to authorize.

The Partner to Authorize section displays the partner's Name, ID, and ID #.

d. Select the Submit button to add the new authorized partner. The In-Bond Authorization list displays the Authorization Successful message and the authorized partner.

Carriers may terminate an In-Bond Authorization relationship by removing the authorized partner. The carrier or broker is removed from the In-Bond Authorization list in the In-Bond Authorization tab.

How to Remove an Authorized Partner?

  1. In the In-Bond Authorization tab, in the In-Bond Authorization list, to the right of the row for the authorized partner to remove, select the down arrow actions icon.

  1. In the drop-down menu, select the Remove option—the Confirm dialog box displays.







NOTE: If only one authorized partner exists, an Invalid Operation message displays.

Use the Add Authorized Partner button to add another authorized partner before removing the only existing authorized partner.

  1. Select the OK button to remove the authorized partner. The Success message is displayed. The authorized partner is removed from the In-Bond Authorization list.

The carrier can restrict an authorized partner’s use of their bond to specific ports and date ranges. The restriction fields are:

  • Origin Port - The port from which the goods are requested to depart.

  • Destination Port - The port to which the goods are requested to be transported.

  • Effective Begin Date - The start date of the authorized bond usage.

  • Effective End Date - The end date of the authorized bond usage. If no end date is entered, there will be no date restrictions on using the bond.

A new port authorization is automatically added when a new authorized partner is added. The Origin Port and Destination Port fields default to All. The Effective Begin Date field defaults to the date the authorized partner was added. The Effective End Date field is not entered, indicating no end date restriction.

How to Add a port authorization and date range?

  1. In the In-Bond Authorization tab, select the authorized partner hyperlink in the Name column.

The In-Bond Authorization Information pane displays.

NOTE: The generated port authorization defaults to All when adding a new authorized partner. The Effective End Date of All ports must be set to the current date to add specific ports.

  1. To set the end date of the default All port authorization in the Port Authorizations section:

a. In the All port row, to the far right, select the down arrow actions icon .

b. In the drop-down menu, select the Remove option.

The Confirm dialog box displays.

c. Select the OK button—the Success message displays.

The Effective End Date of the authorized port is automatically updated to the current date.

  1. To add a specific port authorization, in the Port Authorizations section:

a. Select the Add Port Authorization button. The Add New Port Authorization dialog box displays.

NOTE: Uncheck the default All Ports checkbox to enable the selection of a specific port. The Effective Begin Date defaults to the current date.

b. To add a port of origin authorization:

i. Uncheck the All Origin Ports checkbox.

ii. In the Port of Origin field, type a complete or partial port code or name and select it from the drop-down menu.

c. To add a destination port authorization:

i. Uncheck the All Destination Ports checkbox.

ii. In the Destination Port field, type a complete or partial port code or name and select it from the drop-down menu.

d. If applicable, to edit the default date in the Effective Begin Date field, type a begin date or select it using the Calendar icon.

e. If applicable, type an end date in the Effective End Date field or select it using the Calendar icon.

f. Select the Submit button.

The Save Successful message displays.

Only the begin and end dates of an authorized port are editable. To change the authorized port, remove the existing port authorization entry and add a new port authorization. Removing an authorized port automatically updates the Effective End Date to the current date. It does not delete the authorized port.

How to Edit date range?

  1. In the Port Authorizations section:

  • Select the down arrow actions icon in the port row to the far right.

  • In the drop-down menu, select the Edit option.

  1. In the Edit Port Authorization dialog box:

NOTE: Only the Effective Begin Date and Effective End Date fields are editable.

a. If applicable, type a begin date in the *Effective Begin Date field or select it using the Calendar icon.

b. If applicable, type an end date in the Effective End Date field or select it using the Calendar icon.

c. Select the Submit button. The Success message is displayed.

How to remove a port authorization?

  1. In the Port Authorizations section, select the down arrow actions icon in a port authorization row to the far right.

  1. In the drop-down menu, select the Remove option—the Confirm dialog box displays.

  2. Select the OK button to remove the authorized port, and the Success message will appear.