001 NO BOL HDR DATA FOUND No bill header data was supplied.

002 THIS IS AN AMS CARR AMS carrier bills must be submitted by the carrier.

003 QP40 RECORD MISSING When adding a non-AMS bill the QP40 is a mandatory record.

004 NO SHIPPER DATA FOUND When adding a non-AMS bill the QP50 is a mandatory record. QP51 and QP52 are optional but strongly encouraged.

005 NO CONSIGNEE/NOTIFY DATA FOUND When adding a non-AMS bill the QP55 is a mandatory record. QP56 and QP57 are optional but strongly encouraged.

007 NO CARGO DESC DATA FOUND When adding a non-AMS bill the QP71 is a mandatory record.

008 NO INBOND DATA FOUND The in-bond you are attempting to update is not on file.

009 INVALID CARRIER CODE SCAC is not on our carrier code file. Verify SCAC.

010 INVALID TRANSPORTATION MODE Filer transmitted in-bonds are accepted only for importation MOTs 10, 11, 20 and 30.

011 INVALID VESSEL COUNTRY CODE This must be the two alpha ISO country code representing the country of registration of the importing carrier.

012 INVALID VOYAGE This is a mandatory field of up to five characters in the QP20 record.

014 INVALID UNLADING DIST/PORT Verify the port code and the port-carrier-MOT relationship. The port code must be a valid Sch D number and must be appropriate to the mode of transportation.

017 MISSING OR INVALID BOL NUMBER In QP30, when the ‘bill indicator’ is “Y”, the master bill number is mandatory. The associated SCAC is always required.

020 INVALID WEIGHT Mandatory when adding a non AMS bill. Must be whole number greater than zero.

021 INVALID WEIGHT UNIT (LB OR KG) Only LB or KG is acceptable.

022 INVALID MEASUREMENT Optional when adding a non-AMS bill. If used must be a whole number greater than zero.

023 INVALID MEASUREMENT UNIT (CF OR CM) Only CF or CM is acceptable.

024 MISSING NAME When adding a non-AMS bill the shipper and consignee names are mandatory.

025 MISSING ADDRESS When adding a non-AMS bill at least one line of the shipper’s and of the consignee’s addresses are mandatory. Submitting full address information is strongly encouraged.

030 INVALID INBOND ENTRY TYPE Only in-bond types 61 (immediate transportation), 62 (transportation and exportation), and 63 (immediate exportation) are available for use in this application.

031 DUPLICATE CONTAINER FOR THE BILL A container number may be reported only once per bill of lading.

032 INVALID INBOND You have transmitted zeros or blanks. Only valid 9 digit in-bond numbers acceptable.

033 INVALID DISTRICT/PORT Check validity of DDPP code and check DDPP/in-bond entry type relationship.

034 INVALID FOREIGN PORT The foreign port code must be either on Sch K or on the special list in CATAIR. If the MOT of the importing or the exporting conveyance is 20 or 30, use one of the special codes in CATAIR. If the MOT of the importing or exporting conveyance is 10 or 11 use a Sch K code.

035 INVALID DOLLAR VALUE Must be a whole number greater than zero.

038 BOL ALREADY ON FILE Verify BOL number.

040 BILL NOT ON FILE Full bill of lading information required with in-bond transmission.

041 MISSING CONTAINER NUMBER When adding bill of lading information, data is required in the container number field. If freight is not containerized show “N/A”, “NC”, “not cont”, or words to that effect.

042 INVALID QUANTITY This data is mandatory when adding a non AMS bill. It must be a whole number greater than zero and must equal the total of the quantities in the QP71 records for the bill.

043 INVALID INBOND CHECK DIGIT Verify the check digit and retransmit. Only 9 digit in-bond numbers may be used. 045 ACTION CODE INVALID OR MISSING Verify action code in CATAIR WP10 Note 1.

047 MISSING DESCRIPTION When adding a non-AMS bill a description in the QP71 record is mandatory.

048 INVALID SECONDARY SCAC1 The carrier identified by this SCAC is not an AMS participant and may not be nominated as an SNP.

050 INVALID ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATE Date must be in MMDDYY format, and must be a real date.

058 ACCUMULATED QTY NOT = BILL QTY When adding a non-AMS bill, the quantity on the QP40 record must equal the total of the quantities reported in the QP71 records.

066 HAZMAT SEGMENTS EXCEED 99 When adding a non-AMS bill, the QP75 record may be repeated only 99 times.

067 HAZMAT CODE MISSING When adding a non-AMS bill and using the QP75, HAZMAT record, the HAZMAT code is required.

068 HAZMAT DATA OUT OF ORDER When adding a non-AMS bill and using the QP75, it must immediately follow the QP72 marks and numbers record. The QP75 may be followed by up to two QP76 records.

069 HAZMAT RECS PER SET EXCEEDED There may be up to 99 QP75 records per bill and each QP75 may be followed by up to two QP76 records.

073 NO HARMONIZED NUMBER FOUND When the in-bond entry type is 62 or 63, as reported in the QP10 record, and when a non-AMS bill is being added, at least six digits of the Harmonized number are required in the QP70.

074 INCORRECT HARMONIZED NUMBER The first six digits of the HS number are required and edited for validity when the QP70 record is used.

075 COMMODITY VALUE NOT NUMERIC Value must be a whole number greater than zero.

076 COMMODITY WEIGHT NOT NUMERIC Weight must be a whole number greater than zero.

077 COMMODITY WEIGHT UNIT INVALID The acceptable units are LB and KG. 078 MARKS AND NUMBERS MISSING When adding a non-AMS bill the QP72 record, marks and numbers, is required.

101 NOT TEST/OPERATIONAL MODE Contact your ACS Client Representative to review your ABI status and in-bond status.

102 NO OPEN BILL(S) FOR PROCESSING There is no bill available for this update action.

103 BILL ALREADY DELETED Delete action has already been done.

106 DELETE AND READD BILL WITH CORRECT DATA There is no replace function in this application. When allowed, the incorrect data must be deleted, corrected and then retransmitted.

108 BONDED CARRIER ID REQUIRED This is mandatory data and the accepted formats are found in QP10 Note 2.

109 INVALID BONDED CARRIER ID In-bond carrier must have a valid bond on file.

113 INBOND DESTINATION EXISTS FOR BOL Verify destination and whether or not you should be filing the in-bond.

114 EXPORT PORT MUST = ARRIVAL PORT Immediate exports must be made from the port of arrival of the importing conveyance.

117 9 DIGIT NUMBER REQUIRED You must supply a nine digit in-bond number from your assigned range. Eleven digit “V” numbers can only be used by AMS carriers.

119 INBOND PORT REQUIRED The Sch D in-bond port code is required for this action.

123 INBOND NBR NOT ON FILE Verify in-bond number.

124 INBOND NBR CONCLUDED This operation has already been done.

126 BILL NBR ALREADY ARRIVED This operation has already been done.

128 ARRIVAL DATE REQUIRED T&E must be arrived before it can be exported.

129 ARRIVAL DATE EXCEEDS TODAYS DATE Pre-arrival is not allowed.

130 ARRIVAL DATE OVER 120 DAYS OLD Your date is outside the allowable time frames. Submit documentation to Customs for on-line processing.

132 ARRIVAL DATE BEFORE DEPARTURE T&E must be arrived before it can be exported.

137 NO ISSUER CODE FOUND The SCAC of the carrier that issued the bill must be reported in QP30.

141 PENDING ARCHIVE NO ACTION ALLOWED No further updates are permitted since the bill is scheduled to be archived.

142 UNAUTHORIZED TO TRANSMIT Contact your ACS Client Representative to review the status of your in-bond flag.

143 INVALID DP-SITE DISTRICT PORT Unauthorized for this site, contact your ACS Client Representative to review your ABE record status.

144 ARRIVAL TIME IS INVALID Time must be shown in HHMMSS military format and must be in the past.

147 VESSEL CODE/NAME REQUIRED A name for the importing conveyance is required in QP20. This can be the Lloyd’s Code, a vessel name, the trucking or rail company name or the train ID number.

152 VESSEL NAME CANNOT CONTAIN SLASHES Remove the special character and retransmit.

156 BILL NUMBER REQUIRED In QP30 if the bill indicator is set to “Y” you must provide the bill number. In WP10, depending on the specific Action Code, you may have to provide a bill number.

165 CONTAINER NOT ON FILE FOR BILL Verify the container number. The number transmitted is not associated with this bill of lading.

166 EXPORT DATE BEFORE ARR DATE You must transmit an arrival update before transmitting the export update, and the date of export can’t be earlier than the date of arrival.

178 PREV INBOND NBR MISSING/INVALID When adding an in-bond “leg” or subsequent in-bond movement after the completion of a prior movement, you must provide the complete and correct arrived in-bond number. This can be a nine or eleven digit in-bond number and is sent in QP30.

181 PREV INBOND MOVE MUST BE ARRIVED Before adding an in-bond “leg” the previous in-bond must be arrived.

182 ADD’L IB MOVE INVALID FOR TYPE 63 Type 63 may only be arrived and exported. Additional legs may not be added.

184 INBOND EXISTS FOR THE BILL Bill is currently in enroute in-bond status, additional in[1]bond not allowed.

192 MISSING CITY NAME When transferring in-bond liability, the city location of the new bonded carrier is required in the WP20 record.

193 MISSING STATE CODE When transferring in-bond liability, the state code of the new bonded carrier is required in the WP20 record.

199 REC 10 MISSING/INVALID When adding an in-bond or updating an existing in-bond you must have a correct 10 record.

200 CONTAINER COUNT EXCEEDED When adding a non-AMS bill a maximum of 999 QP65, container records, can be transmitted.

201 REC 10 AND 30 ACTS NOT CONSISTENT In QP10 when acting at the bill level, you must provide a QP30 record.

202 INVALID BILL INDICATOR When adding a non-AMS bill the allowable bill indicators in QP30, pos 4, are “Y” or “N”. 203 INBOND NOT FOUND Verify in-bond number.

204 INVALID DEST FOR INB IN QP10 For types 61 and 62 the US port of destination must not equal the port of arrival. For type 63 the US port of destination must be equal to the port of arrival. For types 62 and 63 the foreign destination must be on Sch K, or for land border exportations may be any of the codes on the special list in CATAIR.

205 NO BILL ON FILE The bill shown in WP10 is not on file. Verify bill number.

206 LINE MISSING OR OUT OF SEQUENCE Verify that your record sequence follows the CATAIR requirements. This message with also be used in some cases after a fatal error. For example if a fatal error occurs in the QP10, we ignore all subsequent records until the next QP10 or Y record. If the next actual record is other than QP10 or Y error 206 is displayed. When the original fatal error in the preceding record is corrected and resent the 206 will not display.

207 SHELL CANNOT BE DELETED Bill of lading shell records are created as the result of selectivity processing when the bill of lading is not on file. Shells are only deleted by Customs action.

209 IN-BOND DELETED In-bond was previously deleted, no updates are allowed.

210 IN-BOND DEST MUST=DDPP FOR TYPE 63 Immediate exportations must be done from the port of importation.

211 AMS BILL, DELETE DENIED This operation not allowed, only the AMS carrier can delete the AMS bill.

212 INVALID PREVIOUS DEST PORT When adding an additional leg to an arrived in-bond you must indicate the correct previous port from the arrived in-bond.

213 IN-BOND EXISTS FOR OTHER PORTS If sending cargo to different ports you must assign a different in-bond number.

214 BILL REQUIRED FROM AMS CARRIER The AMS bill must be on file before we process your in-bond.

215 AMS CARRIER, BILL REJECTED You may not add bill of lading data for an AMS carrier. All AMS data must come from the AMS carrier and be on file before we process your in-bond.

217 CONTAINER NUMBER MUST BE ALPHANUMERIC No special characters or spaces are allowed. 218 BAD INPUT RECORD Invalid record identifier or unrecognized line.

219 AMS CARRIER- DATA REJECTED Bill of lading data for AMS carriers must be originated by the carrier. The transaction for this bill is rejected.

221 BILL REJECTED- REMAINING DATA REJECTED Correct the bill error and retransmit all original data. No data after the point of the error was accepted. Earlier bills within this transaction may have been accepted; check the QT95 records to verify acceptance.

223 BILL DELETED FOR AMS CARRIER AMS bill is in delete status, no in-bond allowed.

226 ALL BILLS ON IN-BOND MUST HAVE SAME ORG Only one departure port is allowed per in-bond number.

227 ALL BILLS ON IN-BOND MUST HAVE SAME DEST Only one destination is allowed per in-bond number.

229 DO NOT INPUT QP20 WHEN ADDING LEG QP20 is used only to report original importation information. On an additional ‘leg’ or subsequent in-bond it is not to be transmitted.

230 FOREIGN PORT INVALID FOR IT For land border crossings, MOT 20 and 30, use one of the special codes available in CATAIR. Ocean importations, MOT 10 and 11, must use a foreign port code found in Sch K.

231 QP20 RECORD MISSING QP20 record is mandatory when transmitting the initial in[1]bond.

232 QP50 RECORD MISSING When adding a non-AMS bill the QP50 record is mandatory.

233 QP55 RECORD MISSING When adding a non-AMS bill the QP55 record is mandatory.

234 QP65 RECORD MISSING When adding a non-AMS bill the QP65 record is mandatory.

235 QP70 RECORD MISSING When adding a non-AMS bill the QP70 record is mandatory.

236 QP71 RECORD MISSING When adding a non-AMS bill the QP71 record is mandatory.

237 QP72 RECORD MISSING When adding a non-AMS bill the QP72 record is mandatory.

238 MOT NOT ALLOWED FOR PORT Verify MOT. You must have an acceptable MOT/port code relationship.

239 PORT OF ARRIVAL MUST BE A SEAPORT For MOT 10 or 11, the port of arrival of the importing conveyance must be a seaport.

240 PORT OF ARRIVAL MUST BE A LAND BORDER For MOT 20 and 30, the port of arrival of the importing conveyance must be one of the special codes found in CATAIR; it must not be a Sch K code.

241 FOREIGN PORT MUST BE ON VALID SCHEDULE K For MOT 10 OR 11, you must use a valid Sch K code.

242 FOREIGN PORT MUST BE ON SPECIAL LIST For MOT 20 and 30, you must use one of the special codes found in CATAIR.

243 QP10 RECORD MISSING This record is mandatory when adding or deleting in-bonds and when making bill level changes.

244 ONLY ONE CONVEYANCE ALLOWED PER IB All merchandise moving on a single in-bond must have been imported on the same conveyance.

245 INVALID FILER FOR SECONDARY NOTIFY The company identified by this filer code is not a participant in the filer transmitted in-bond QP program.

246 PREVIOUS IN-BOND NOT FOUND The in-bond referenced in QP30 is not on file, verify the data.

247 NO BILL SUBMITTED FOR IN-BOND You must submit at least one bill per in-bond. If the importing carrier is non-AMS, you must also submit full bill data.

248 MASTER BILL NBR MUST BE ALPHANUMERIC Master bill numbers may not contain any special characters or spaces. They may contain up to 12 letters and/or numbers.

249 ALL BILLS ON INB MUST BE SAME ENTRY TYPE All bills on an in-bond must be for the same type of entry. For example you may several 61 (IT) bills on an 61 (IT) but not mix a 63 (IE) bill with the 61 (IT).

250 QP72 RECORDS EXCEEDED You may only have 999 QP72 (marks and numbers) lines per QP65 (container).

251 QP71 RECORDS EXCEEDED You may only have 999 QP71 (description) lines per QP65 (container).

252 WP20 RECORD MISSING The WP20 is required when arriving, exporting or transferring bond liability.

253 INVALID DESTINATION PORT IT destinations must be a valid Sch D port code.

254 DON’T USE QP20 & QP30 FOR QP10 IB DELETE When deleting at the in-bond level do not transmit the QP20 and QP30 records. This transaction is rejected.

255 INBOND EXISTS FOR THIS BILL An open in-bond already exists on the bill. It must be arrived or deleted before your in-bond is accepted.

256 CANNOT ADD BILL TO AN EXISTING INBOND The AMS carrier has already established an in-bond for this bill. You may not add another in-bond until this one is arrived.

257 REMAINING DATA IN BLOCK REJECTED An error was encountered which prevents all processing beyond the identified point. If you have following QP10 - QP76 data groups you may resend them separately if you cannot immediately correct the identified error.

259 FTZ BILL REQUIRED The FTZ indicator is set and you must supply full bill of lading data reflecting the withdrawal from the zone. Do not reference the original import bill that moved the cargo into the zone.

260 INVALID FTZ PORT The port indicated is not correct for the FTZ.

261 DATA CONTAINED IN FTZ FIRMS FIELD The FTZ indicator is not set, but FTZ data is being provided.

262 INVALID FTZ FIRMS CODE The FIRMS code provided is not a valid FTZ code. If you are an ABI broker you may query these codes via the Extract Reference Query.

263 BILL TO DELETE IS NOT FTZ TYPE You are attempting to delete a bill that is not flagged as FTZ.

264 FTZ MUST HAVE FULL BILL DATA For all shipments flagged as FTZ withdrawal, you must supply full bill of lading data, notwithstanding the AMS status of the carrier.

265 QP30 PREV INBOND INVALID FOR FTZ The previous in-bond number that you have referenced was probably the in-bond that moved the cargo from the original port of importation to the FTZ. It is not an in-bond associated to the withdrawal movement from the FTZ.

266 INVALID REF # QUALIFIER The reference number in the QP33 record is not one of those listed in the CATAIR or in the CAFES QP option.

267 REF # BLANK When using the QP33 you must supply the appropriate reference number defined by the qualifier.