Setup Inbond Status notifications

There are three different types of In-bond notifications: Employee Notifications, Customer Notifications, and Carrier Notifications.

This guide will explain what steps are needed to set up each of these notification.

**Before setup notifications please run Web Updates button on Utilities tab to get latest Disposition Codes catalog from our site**.

a) Employee notifications

In order to access the Employee Notifications you first go to the Utilities module and from there select Employees module and click on Edit button to modify Employee profile.

After selecting the employee you would like to add these notifications too, you will go to the field “Receive In-Bond No Export E-Mail” and “In-bond NS Notifications” and select Yes to either or both of these. Each sending you specific information to the employee email.
Receive In-bond No Export E-mail

- The employee will receive Reports for the in-bonds without an export date.

In-Bond NS Notifications

- The employee will receive the ACE in-bond status notifications


b) Customer Notification

In order to access the customer notifications first open up the Core module and then select the Customers.

Select a customer, and under the Logistics/WMS tab, select the Notification/Events tab. There you can add either “Inbond CBP Notification” or “Inbonds without Export Rep”, depending on the information you need you will select the one that is necessary.

In-bond CBP Notification

- Will send information regarding the ACE in-bond status notifications to the related contacts.

In-bonds without Export Rep

- Will send reports for in-bonds without an export date to the related contacts.

From there in order to select the emails this information will get sent too, press the Related Contacts button, a window will appear with a list of emails that is pulled from the Contacts list and you will only need to select the email and press the add button to move it into the related contacts for the event. In the case that you press the Related Contacts button and nothing appears or happens, this means that there are no Contacts under the Contacts tab, and you will need to first add contacts before you can relate them to this event.


c) Bonded Carrier Notification

In order to access the carrier notifications, first open up the Core module and then select Carriers.


The first thing you have to do is add contacts on the Contacts tab, this is a necessary step since the event added will pull emails from this list. The next step is to go onto the Events tab and adding the event “Inbond Status”.

This will send ACE In-bond status notifications to the related contacts. In order to relate the contacts press the “Related Contacts” button and a window will appear that will allow you to relate the desired contacts to this event. It is important to keep in mind that in the case that the Related Contacts window is empty this means that you have no contacts on the Contacts tab.


Above is an example of what the email you will receive will look like after applying one of the three methods of notification.


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