Freightloads (Logistics)

The cargo control portal allows access to sales representatives to create quotes, load control and supporting documentation of this as is the confirmation of the carrier rate and agreement with customers and additionally the Bill of Lading for the carrier.  The Freight Load Management module is linked to our billing and payment receipt module with the option of an interface to QuickBooks. Billing modules have customer balance reports, charges pending invoicing, report of payments received among others.  Freight Load Management has the ability to start the process as a quotation and then under a customer confirmation change it to cargo status, when changing the quote status to cargo will include the charge to the billing process where it will be visible as pending invoicing.

The Dashboard allows a visual way to identify the loads that are pending data and execute actions such as adding, editing, changing status and filtering information by each of the columns or by status.

The add button (+) allows you to add a new Freight Load and/or quote as the case may be.

The "Report" button(three lines) gives access to generate reports.

  • In the data header we will find the client's data, reference and amount to be collected.

  • In the carrier section, cost and data are included to generate the bill of lading.

  • In the section of the loading / unloading locations we obtain the data so that the carrier has the details of the run you have to do, has multiple locations to perform milk-runs.