
The Billing module has the following options:

  • Charge Catalog

  • Automatic Charge Configuration per Client

  • Invoices

  • Payment Receipt

  • Customer Account Statement

  • Reports of Receivable Pending Invoices

  • Payments Received

a) Charges Catalog (Items)

To add a new charge on the main charge screen, click on the Add button. The capture screen opens where we must capture as minimum information, the item number (4 characters maximum), and the name of the charge.

b) Customer Charge Settings In the Customer profile, under the Accounting option, the Customer Charge template can be included, a repetitive charge indicating Auto in Y can also be included.

c) Invoices To add a new invoice, click on the “Add” button and the initialization window for the new invoice appears. To generate the new invoice number the system has 3 options: you can manually enter the number you want to generate, you can automatically generate a consecutive number and you can indicate that the invoice number is the traffic number.  

Next, it is necessary to enter a traffic number to be billed, when it is captured, the system returns the client to whom the traffic is assigned, from there click on “Create”.

Next, it is necessary to enter a traffic number to be billed, when it is captured, the system returns the client to whom the traffic is assigned, from there click on “Create”.

The system transfers the information of the traffic to the invoice, if it has linked the Cargo stretches it to the part of the details of the invoice. The invoice also has a section of notes to include detailed information.

After recording the invoice to print on the main screen, click on the "Print Invoice" button, multiple invoices can be printed on the system, as well as sent by mail.


d) Payment Receipt

Selecting the Payment option, to include a new payment, click on the Add button on the top bar.

There appears the screen where you enter Customer, Payment Type, Reference Number (Check, Transfer, etc.) and the total amount received.

There appears the screen where you enter Customer, Payment Type, Reference Number (Check, Transfer, etc.) and the total amount received.

On the next screen, the invoices related to this payment are selected.